
Looking to buy a van and not sure whether you should get a single or tandem axle?


You’re looking for a new van but how do you decide between a single or tandem axle caravan? Or have you even thought about it? We talk you through some of the factors you should consider when choosing between the two!

Towing Capacity

Firstly, your first consideration should be the towing capacity of your tow vehicle. Click here for information on towing terms and what you should know. You should always ensure that you have not exceeded the weight capacity of either your tow vehicle or your van.

Caravan Towing Experience and Level of Confidence

Next, you should consider your level of experience and comfort in towing a van. If you have never towed before or you are a nervous driver, then a single axle van may be the option for you. Single axle vans are generally considered to be easier to tow and manoeuvre. They are usually smaller and lighter than tandem axle vans. However, this comes with a trade-off. While the lighter weight makes it easier to tow, it also means that you have less payload to work with for packing your van. So, if you don’t usually tend to travel light, you may have to learn to be frugal when packing.

If you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to towing – or you are willing to gain confidence quickly – then a tandem axle van can have some advantages.  Firstly, tandem axle vans are usually bigger – so you have extra room internally as well as extra storage space. They also may have additional payload available, meaning that you can take more things with you. Again, it’s not all smooth sailing. An increase in size may mean a decrease in manoeuvrability. Also, having double the number of tyres will increase your regular maintenance costs. And you will probably find the initial purchase price of a tandem axle caravan will be higher than a single axle one.

Pros and Cons of Single Axle Caravan and Tandem Axle Caravan

Below is a breakdown of the pros and cons of each:

Single Axle Caravan

Single Axle Caravan

Easy to tow and manoeuvreGenerally less payload to work with
Smaller and lighterPotential increase in wear on tyres
Lower maintenance costsLess stability on the road
More economical on fuelNot required to have a braking system
Generally cheaper to purchaseSafety issues if tyre blow
Tandem Axle Caravan

Tandem Axle Caravan

More stability on the road – better weight distribution, extra support with more tyresDouble the tyres, means extra maintenance costs
Higher payload – you can take more stuffLess easily manoeuvrable
Many have a braking systemGenerally more expensive to purchase
More internal spaceExtra time required if changing tyre pressures
Less safety risks if tyre blows

Other Considerations:

Other things you might consider (regardless of whichever way you land) are:

Ultimately, your safety should be your #1 priority! Make sure you have considered all of your options and make a choice that’s the best fit for you.