
 What’s covered by who when something goes wrong with your van?

Caravan Repairs

Warranty? Insurance? Or wear and tear? What’s covered by who when something goes wrong with your RV?

We see it every day. You want your RV to stay in tip top condition but sometimes things happen, and fixes need to be made. But how do you know what’s covered by warranty or insurance and what’s not? You might be surprised to know what might be considered wear and tear and will need to be repaired at your own cost!

What does your policy cover?

Firstly, insurance policies and warranties will vary between providers. It’s always best to read your caravan insurance policy first – check the inclusions and exclusions! If you require any clarification, contact your insurance company or dealer first to see if you are covered.

While we do reports for insurance companies and some manufacturers, we essentially are just the middleman and have no sway over either of their decisions regarding any potential claim. We are bound to provide an independent assessment of the situation. This involves providing a report with details of the potential cause of the damage, based on our years of experience.

Common scenarios

Here’s the top things we see all the time and how they may be treated:

1. Water ingress – what you need to know

              What does this mean for your RV?

2. Scratches, scuffs and dents

3. Appliance faults and malfunctions

4. Doors, cupboards, drawers and latches

If in doubt, please feel free to call and arrange for us to complete an inspection. We can point you in the most appropriate direction and provide advice on potential causes and possible options to find a solution to your problem.