
Self Care Camping Edition

In this fast pace world it can be easy to get caught up in the day to day aspects of life that we forget to show ourselves a little love. September is self care month so we wanted to share some ideas on how you can easily add some self care into your life. Just because you’re travelling does not mean you are exempt from showing some self care. Take the time to slow down and enjoy yourself and others around you so you can make the most of your travels and live your best life.

Self Care

We all have a different idea of what self care looks like, but the point behind it is to do activities that help you to focus on all aspects of you, that is, mind body and spirit. You may find the more you do, the easier it will be to add some of these activities into your day to day life. And most importantly, self care is for everyone, this includes men, women, adults, kids, grandparents, so get in and give it a go and feel the difference in yourself and others around you.

Why not take the 30 day self care challenge. We have created a checklist for you, so why not see how many you can do.

Self Care Ideas

  1. Start a journal- write about your feelings and not just about what you got to do and see. Write about what you liked, what you didn’t, what you would do differently, what you learned and so forth.
  2. Go barefoot – in the sand or mud… maybe not the hot road or a bindy patch though.
Muddy Feet Self Care

3. Get a little dirty- take that as you like.

4. Try meditating- there are different forms so try a few to see what works best for you.

5. Try a new sport or exercise. Why not try some simple yoga or find a short exercise video on you tube- there are lots out there.

6. Take a deep breath

7. Create a new playlist.

camp cooking

8. Try a new recipe.

9. Sleep directly under the stars.

10. Cuddle your partner/child/dog.

Mountain Sunrise for Self Care

11. Watch a sunrise or sunset

12. Go for a hike

13. Sing at the top of your lungs.

Air Plant

14. Get yourself a plant – why not try some herbs that you can use in your cooking, or an air plant.

15. Start a gratitude notebook- listing 5 things you are grateful for each day.

16. Say something kind to at least 3 people today.

bike ride

17. Go for a bike ride. If you don’t travel with bikes, look into hiring a bike, or see if you can borrow one from another traveller.

18. Dance around the campfire like no one is watching.

19. Stand on top of a mountain and scream.

Swimming & Floating

20. Go for a swim and just float away.

21. Read a book. If you don’t want to travel with books, many caravan parks have books available or why not try downloading a book.

22. Learn a new skill. This can be as simple or difficult as you make it!

23. Get Creative-try a craft- knitting, crotchet, macrame, polymer clay, water colours, calligraphy, origami, card making, make your own beard balm, rock painting – and then hide for someone else to find.

24. Do some simple stretches

Picnicking is self care

25. Have a picnic.

26. Paint your nails a crazy colour or for the men, why not give them a really good clean and tidy up.

27.Pay it forward – buy the person behind you a coffee

28. Send a text or call a friend you have not spoken to for a while.

Artesian Spring Dalhousie Springs

29. Go to an artesian spring- Whether you are travelling and staying in caravan parks, national parks or free camps, the luxury of bath is probably the farthest from reality, so alternatively we suggest adding a stop over at an artesian spring in one of many across the country.

30. Go stargazing

31. Embrace the silence. Find a quiet spot to sit in silence and reflect and enjoy the sounds of nature

32. Pick a cupboard or a draw to declutter and re-organise

33. Turn your phone off and other tech. Though our phones, computers, tv and tablets can be very useful, they can also be a source of a lot of stress or anxiety.

34. Try a new tea. It doesn’t have to be hot-why not try an iced tea. Alternatively, if tea is not something you like, simply try a different drink of some sort.

35. Have a massage – why not rope your partner in.

36. Play a board game or card game- why not invite your neighbours for a game night.

37. Indulge- in a fancy dinner or a decadent dessert.

38. Go for a SUP, surf, kayak or canoe. There are so many places along your travels that you can hire equipment from including a number of campgrounds that have kayaks or SUPs available for hire.

39. Hit the beach and jump some waves.

40. Do a hair mask or face mask or why not do both!

41. Immerse yourself in the local community.

42. Take a nap- and don’t guilt yourself about it.

43. Look back at old photos.

44. Do a colouring in – there are lots of adult colouring books, or even download a colouring app.

45. Volunteer or offer someone else a hand.

46. Say no! You don’t have to say yes to everyone and everything.

47. Ask for help. Even something simple like help to clean up or cook dinner. For some of us more importantly it may be simply accepting help, no matter how small the offer.

48. Light a candle (do not leave unattended).

49. Try some aromatherapy. From room sprays to essential oils for diffusers and candle wax melts, there is so many different types of aromatherapy readily available. Chemists are an easy place to start if you are on the road.

lemon water

50. Add a squeeze of lemon to your water.

51. Sit in the sunshine & enjoy. Don’t forget to be sun safe though.

52. Go fishing.

53. Hit the sauna.

54. Kick a ball or shoot some hoops. Many local parks have basketball hoops and grassed areas.

55. Write down some goals.

56. Moisturise! Doing something nice for yourself helps to stop worry. Regular moisturising also helps with the appearance and functionality of your skin which can reduce other problems that you just don’t need.

57. Do something spontaneous. This can be as big or as small as you want to make it. Maybe start with something small and slowly move out of your comfort zone.

58. Try mindful eating – slow down, chew your food more and think about what you are eating so that you can focus on and enjoy your food. Once you have mastered this, why not try mindful drinking.

59. Send a friend or loved one a postcard. Sitting down to write a full letter may be daunting so why not keep it short, fun and sweet whilst letting your friends and family know you are thinking about them.

60. Look in the mirror and say out loud what you like about your body and yourself.

We hope you enjoy this challenge and hope that it allows you to enjoy your travels more. Let us know what your favourite self care activities are. or if we should add any to the list for others to enjoy.