
Caravan Repair Centre

Hail Damage Repairs

Caravan Damage Hail Repairs

There’s nothing worse than your vehicle being damaged from something completely out of your control, like hail. It can cause a lot of devastating damage to your beloved caravan, and leave you unable to continue on your journey. Caravan Repair Centre has the largest facilities for caravan hail and smash repairs on the Sunshine Coast. We are here to help you get your vehicle back on the road and in the best condition possible. The team will do a thorough inspection, so whether you just need a simple dent repair, or a panel replacement, your vehicle will be in good hands.

Hail damaged Exterior Of Caravan getting urgent insurance repairs on the sunshine coast by caravan repair centre caloundra.

Nothing is irreparable - give us a call today for a free quote on 07

Need a service, not a repair?

07 5491 2560