
Caravan Repair Centre

Caravan Fridges

Caravan Fridge Freezer

12v Fridges & Freezers

A fridge is an excellent addition to your caravan, especially if you want to go on long journeys and adventures. It will help you live your best life on the road, whether you want to keep your beer cold or your food fresh.

Having your fridge professionally installed will help ensure that it runs smoothly and doesn’t cause damage to your vehicle. Caravan Repair Centre is experienced in fridge installations and upgrades and can assist with basic diagnostics and repairs.

If you are struggling with choosing a 12v caravan fridge, or need some advice on whether a 3 way fridge or compressor fridge is best suited to your needs, come and talk with our friendly staff to discuss your options and find the best solution to match your van, budget and needs.

12v Drawer Fridge

Whether you are looking for  a space saving option or you like the ease of access a drawer fridge offers, there are a few sizes and styles to choose from that will ensure you have your food and drinks close at hand on your travels.

Portable Fridge Freezer

A great option for small spaces offering convenience and flexibility. Portable fridges are suitable for caravanning, camping and even in the car for those smaller road trips and offer a variety of accessories to get the most use out of your 12v fridge/freezer.

3 Way Caravan Fridge Freezer

Provides you with 3 options for operation: gas, 12v and 240v. Giving you greater flexibility and the freedom to get off the beaten track.

Compressor Caravan Fridge

Also known as a 2-way compressor fridge. These fridges are the most similar to what you have at home, only they operate on 12v and 240v to ensure your food and drinks stay cool while you travel.

Caravan Repair Centre is a Queensland Approved Transport Inspection Station. You can trust us to service your caravan and ensure the safety of you and your vehicle.

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